Monday, February 22, 2016

Because Life Comes Full Circle

They say life always comes full circle. Actually, I’m not even sure whether the instance that reminded me of this idiom is relevant to the occasion, but it seems apt.

I moved to Singapore in 2012, not knowing a soul here back then. During my early days here, Couchsurfing proved to be a blessing. I even spoke of an “outgoing CSer, who’s plenty helpful and really fun to be around (except for when he randomly gives you a brand new name or makes up stuff as he goes, so much so that you no longer know what’s true and what isn’t)”, little knowing how much he would come to mean to me.

Cut to 2016. It doesn’t seem like a lot, but when life (and your entire personality) has undergone a sea change during that time, 3.5 years can spell an eternity. And that’s exactly how it feels. Well, 2016 arrived with lots of positivity (including a new job!) but also, very importantly, the wedding of a very close friend. Who is this close friend, you might ask? No other than the crazy dude who liked to give me equally crazy names! After the initial few months of knowing him, he entirely dropped off the radar, getting in touch only intermittently and replying to messages after days and sometimes even weeks. I made some great friends thanks to him, and used to meet them fairly frequently, but Mr Groom was forever proving to be elusive.

So imagine my surprise when, in 2015, when I messaged to wish him on his birthday, he suddenly breaks the Big News. “Rashpal (yes, that is his nickname for me, and you’re forbidden to laugh!), I’m getting married in Feb next year. You have to dance at my wedding!” In my head I was thinking, “You idiot, you disappear on me for ages and then resurface only to tell me you’re getting married?” But out loud I said the only thing I could: “Of course I will!” And so I did.

So yeah, time has flown in the blink of an eye, and much has changed since I first came to Singapore. But I made some solid friends, one of them who has helped me with everything, from figuring out iftar timings to getting my mum a long-term visit pass. And for that, I’ll always be glad I met Darrumple (you’re not even allowed to laugh at my name for him). Indeed, life has come full circle.