Friday, August 28, 2009

Back Again

No, my English is not poor,
I mean what I say.
Someone I thought long gone
Is back, but is he here to stay?

The last time we parted,
There was a lot of sorrow.
And that is something
Which, I don’t want on the morrow.

So what is the problem you say,
Just walk away,
I wish it were that easy,
For a person not to sway.

He was here again today,
Being very nice,
But in his eyes I saw,
All the old lies.

So there, I’ve done it,
I have sent him back,
And if he ever comes back again,
I’ll not be a jack(ass)!!

Gone with the wind... Not quite!

Just when you think someone’s out of your life for good, why do they surface again? Is there an explanation to this? Is this supposed to be an indication from above regarding that person? Especially if you’ve ended relations with that person on a bad note, what then? Do you go back to being “friends” because of the “signs”, or do you think, “To hell with the signs, I’m never going to speak with him/her again?” And what about your mental state? Don’t you feel as if your head will explode from the innumerable questions running through it? The ifs, whys and wherefores? Well, mine sure is!