Monday, May 26, 2014

Be You

But what good is your passion, if it has known no experience? What will it matter, 20 years from now, what your ideals were if you haven’t put them to the test? You may live in ideals without any threat; but is that any gauge of your character? The person that you were when you felt, is the person that you truly are. Not the person who you believed to be you. Don’t be afraid to feel. To test. To be. Because in the end, that is all that will matter. Now. Forever.
And no matter who or what that person you discover yourself to be is, learn to live with it. Learn to live with yourself, because you are who you are. Live for yourself. If you pretend to live by another’s wishes, then you are just living a lie. And lies never helped anyone, no matter how convenient and appropriate they may seem. They are just an excuse you created to make yourself feel better. Detach yourself from lies. And embrace the you that is left behind. It may not be perfect, but at least it still is you.