Before I started writing this, I went back and read the note
I wrote at the beginning of
I realised everything that I had promised myself had more or
less gone down the drain. Now, I’m wondering whether this is just me, or does
this happen to a lot of people? I’m not one to make resolutions for the new
year, never have been. But, I do hope to learn from the past and use that to
avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.
Last year, I promised myself a few things. To extricate myself
from complicated situations and the company of negative people, for instance.
Can’t say I managed to do that well, but in my defence, I tried. I also promised
to learn from my past mistakes. Golly gee, did I throw that out the window!
2014 was the one year I made the most glorious mistakes; mistakes I’m likely to
remember (if not pay for) for the rest of my life, ones that some of my not-so-sane-minded
friends would be proud of me for making. But I’m also glad I made them. They’ve
taught me so much about myself. I now know me better.
If I thought 2013 had been epic, 2014 completely blew that
out of the water. With no job uncertainties to worry about, and with enough
dough to spend, I had an unbelievable year. From travelling (solo and with
friends and family) to three new countries, to finding a dance form that I love
and am determined to pursue seriously, life has, in general, been very good to
In that sense, everything that I wished for at the start of
2014, came true. The year exceeded all expectations I had of it. And the
mistakes I made (yes, I keep coming back to those) were great stepping stones
as well. I’m a different person, thanks to them.
As for what 2015 will bring, I’m not going to set any goals
or expectations for myself. Of course, I do hope that it’s a good year, but beyond
that, I will just deal with whatever is thrown my way. Make fewer mistakes?
Easier said than done. Earn more money? Will work harder for it. Achieve
greater heights and be more awesome? That’s a lifelong aim; not just one for the
new year!