Saturday, February 2, 2013


Do you see the signs?
I see them everywhere.
They show me the way forward,
They show me that someone cares.

Signs are like pieces of a puzzle;
They are all around.
But you won’t see them,
Until you know what you have found.

And then you will realise,
That what you never saw,
Was something that was always there,
Ignorant to a flaw.

But mind you,
Signs aren’t always good.
Sometimes they bring clarity,
Sometimes, just cause to be misunderstood.

Signs of love,
Signs of fame,
Signs of hate;
It’s all the same.

Because until you can recognise them,
Signs are but silent,
See them, understand them,
And then they are brilliant.

So the next time you see a sign of love,
Halt, tread with caution.
For, what you see,
May well be an apparition.

Signs do that to you;
Show you treasure mines,
When all that was there,
Was just a whole lot of signs!

These signs will mislead you,
They will cause your heart to break.
Because they will tell you,
Tales of love fake.

So, learn to read them,
Don’t jump into a new fray,
Thinking you know the signs,
Which will lead you astray.

The heart is silly,
Listen to your brain;
It’ll tell you that signs
Are simply lame.

Follow your head,
Forget the heart.
Because signs and pain,
Never come apart.


Rv :) said...


Sushant said...

Heart always takes over head in reading these signs because everyone wants to be happy and positive, not the other way.
You summed it up in a good way. nice one.

Rash Arsi said...

RV and Sushant - Thank you.
Sushant, heart rules over head - true. But listen to your head sometimes; it means well, too, you know. :)