Saturday, July 7, 2012


Across the land
And over seas,
I want to travel,
Oh, I beg you please.

Many seasons are gone,
And several plans dashed,
But nothing of them has come,
And all hopes have crashed.

To travel means to see,
Places and people new,
Adventures too it brings,
Which are not in number few.

When I meet travellers,
In the walk of life,
They tell me their stories,
Some of fun, others of strife.

But through it all,
I've never met anyone
Who said travelling wasn't fun,
Who thought they should quit and run.

I want to travel
And see the world,
I want to know what it is like,
To have it before me unfurl.

And therefore,
Across the land
And over seas,
I want to travel,
Oh, I beg you please.

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