Friday, October 10, 2008


– My Experience

I have possibly set a record by now for having lost the maximum number of wallets. Just today, I’ve lost yet another one.
Sometimes I’m lucky enough not to have been carrying money on me when I lose my wallets, but today this was not the case. I actually had more than Rs. 200 in my wallet, but that’s immaterial. I had my ID cards, and, most importantly, my house keys!! Add to this the fact that I had an exam paper for which I was as unprepared as unprepared can get, and you can begin to imagine what I felt; not completely, that is impossible to do until one actually faces the situation oneself, but, you can at least begin to sympathise, if not empathise, with me.
The keys that were there in my wallet were those of the Godrej lock, the kind that are in – built in your door. But, other than that, I was also carrying the keys to the other, external lock, just in case we use it sometime. So, now, not only the Godrej lock keys, but also those of the external lock are of no use, because I can’t possibly use the external lock again, given that I literally gave an invitation to any robber, what with my address on the ID cards and BOTH the keys!!!
Had it been sometime since this whole incident had happened, I might have even been able to look at it with some humour. But it’s not been too long, and, considering that I’m sitting on the steps outside my door, waiting for my friends to bring me the spare keys from my brother’s shop while I came here to guard over the door, it is not so funny. Even as I’m writing this last sentence, I’m wondering when my helpful friends, Tusharika and Krunali, will be back so I can get into the house and knock about a few things that no robber has yet dared to come and already do, in order to vent my frustration!!! (PUNCH)!!!!